preexischasling Admin replied

338 weeks ago

Freelancer Malayalam Full Movie Free Download

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646f9e108c You play a freelance pilot who makes a livinga mercenary who gets targeted in a conspiracy for alien artifacts.
During the devastating war depicted in this game's predecessor, StarLancer (2000), between the two future Earth's superpowers - Western Alliance and Eastern Coalition, the losing Alliance sends, in desperation, five colossal interplanetary spaceships to outer space to find a new faraway world to colonize and live there in freedom. Only four ships make it. They find several inhabitable planets, split the territory between them, form four Houses to rule these new worlds and create large communities similar to the countries that the colonists came from. 800 years later, troubles begin again when a causeless war breaks out between two of the houses and a mysterious conspiratorial terrorist group called The Order begins playing its own game. Edison Trent, a skeptical freelance spaceship pilot, is one of few who survived the Order's terrorist attack on an orbital space station. Trent and the other survivors are sent to Liberty, a hub city on a nearby planet colonized by the settlers from the US 800 years ago. There, he gets hired by a Liberty Security Force commander, Jun'ko Zane, to help her with a smuggling investigation. However, the survivors from the station soon begin disappearing and this time it's not the Order's fault. Trent and Jun'ko investigate and discover it all has something to do with a mysterious alien artifact recently found by the descendants of the German colonists. Now, targets themselves, Trent and Jun'Ko must find the leading expert on alien technology who went into hiding. They will travel through various star systems, find unlikely allies, work together with groups from other Houses and uncover a conspiracy that threatens not only them, but possibly humanity itself.
This is one of the Chris Roberts titles, he's the same designer behind the Privateer/Wing Commander Series. Not only is Chris Roberts quite the visionary but he's also one of the few people that still makes offerings into the non-linear Space RPG genre.<br/><br/>Freelancer is the sequel to Starlancer, both of which were sequels (in spirit) to the Privateer/Wing Commander series. The game starts off with an intriguing story that just pulls you in. From the beginning you're free to do missions, explore (which the game rewards via hidden bases, planets, jump holes, mining, and abandoned ships etc.) and you can land on almost every ship/base/outpost/planet/etc. in the game. When you land somewhere you're free to purchase ships, many different kinds of commodities for trading, take on jobs, talk in the bar, read the news, buy equipment etc.<br/><br/>Thats just a brief summary of all the good things this game has to offer. Now onto the bad. The story, while excellent, begins to go downhill about half way through. It feels rushed and the ending was a bit cliché. The first half is definitely the most intriguing. Some features weren't completeddesigned and you can tell that the team was probably pressured to ship despite the loose ends. Namely the reputation system, the minor character cut scenes and dialogue, and non storyline jobs. The minor character cut scenes (talking to people in the bar) gets very repetitive, I would have liked to see a feature that lets you skip those and get right to the text of what they have to say. The reputation system works in relation to the story however it's importance after that dwindles..part of it ties into your ability to take on missions after you complete the story. The missions you're able to take are all exactly the same. They are basically combat missions with the names changed. I would have liked to have seen exploration, shipping, spying/espionage, investigative, scientific, and other types of diverse missions. It would have added much more to the re-playability of this already re-playable game. Because you're limited on the types of jobs you can take, you tend not to care about your reputation hence the fun kind of ends. It would have also been cool if you could buy you're own base or something along those lines which would have added to re-playability. <br/><br/>Despite it's shortcomings, which become obvious during game play, this title is still very much excellent and if you're into space at all you'll enjoy this one. It's definitely immersive. Hopefully Chris Roberts won't give up, because only he has the vision to combine next generation features with Hollywood quality storytelling and cinematics.
At first glance you may think Freelancer is a gem. A game that gives you lots to do with the ability to do anything you like and your in space. Not in some forest or in some big city. Just space. Lot's to do out there, eh? Not really.<br/><br/>From my experience. You can't be anything you like. If you want to be a trader, you can't. Sure, you can trade. But it feels very hollow because you can only buy the small freighters which don't holdmuchthe massive ones you see out in the systems. And to make real money you have to go on very long trips to other systems all the way across the universe. And you don't get the title of trader either. Just freelancer. That's all you are in this. I know, it's silly because that's what the game is called. But i'm asking for a little more depth here. Say you want to be a space pirate and play through the game that way. You know, stealing stuff, causing the government all sorts of headaches. And if you meet up with the end game enemy you can go on a quest to beat them with just the pirates. Sounds anti-climatic but read on and you might not think so.<br/><br/>Being a freelancer isn't all its cracked up to be in Freelancer. About 95 percent of the missions are seek and destroy missions. The people who are hiring you will give you a way point to go to and kill some rebels. And the missions don't vary either. There are assassination, capture a VIP, destroy or capture specific cargo, and destroy weapon platforms mission types. There are even a few missions that even have you destroy space stations. What I have just listed is pretty much all you get from bars and job lists. Seriously, that's it. Destroy, destroy, destroy. No delivering packages or people and no escort missions. It's kill everything.<br/><br/>I've heard people say this game is hard, but it's actually easypie. With the exception of the later levels where the enemies get real tough. But aside from that you shouldn't have any trouble beating down foes. Because they generally aren'tstrongyou and for the most part, they're dumb. A lot of your foes will travel straight at you. Sometimes they'll get smart and have one of their own acta decoy so the other can fire at you. But you have to wonder what they're doing because for someone who is being followed by two fighters, they should take a lot more hits than they do.<br/><br/>Freelancer suffers from having too many NPCs to voice. Much like Oblivion and Fallout 3. It has a stellar cast of voice actors suchJennifer Hale, John Rhys-Davies, George Takei, Christopher Lee, Kevin Michael Richardson, and it even stars Ian ZieringTrent. Who doesn't really do a good job, but he was OK some of the time. But outside of these people you'll start to hear the same voices over and over again. You can even get the sense that this was suppose to have different accents because you hear words like "mate" and "Oi". And every one of these people are boring. They don't even try to have emotion. They just say the lines and that's it. And this is where Ian isn't at his best. He sounds so much better when his character is talking to Jennifer Hale's character Juni but coming up to some dude in a bar and they sound like robots. Hell, the robots sound better than these people. Least they have a reason to be like that.<br/><br/>Story was kinda intriguing. If it wasn't for the overall bad voice acting and the tons of destroy missions I have to sit through, it'd be even better. Story basically goes like this. You are a survivor of an ambushed space station which was destroyed. You find yourself on planet Manhattan and you meet up with members of the Liberty Security Force Duke and later Juni. Which brings me to another problem with Freelancer. right from the get go your practically working for the LSF. Kinda limits the options doesn't it? Anyway, you come across this artifact and suddenly your being hunted by Liberty and later Rheinland forces. As it turns out. Aliens were slowly taking control over the space colony governments to thin the human population so they can wipe humans out.<br/><br/>The graphics were OK too. Framerate was excellent even when their was heavy fighting going on. There was at times looked like 20 or more ships fighting all at once and the framerate kept up nicely. The effects of the lasers were nice and the view of space was good.<br/><br/>The best part about this that I can think of is just exploring space. Take a break from the killing and going to all the corners of space you can. You'd have to be a die-hard to do it. But if you want something else to do. It's something. And it'd be neat since you don't go to every system during the single player campaign. Unless of course you did that in the middle of it. But like I said enjoy the view because it's pretty good.<br/><br/>A large chunk of this games faults has to do with Microsofts buying Digital Anvil and firing the lead guy leaving the number two man at DA to run things. Apparently Microsoft wanted it done in a certain time frame and it was hurried which lead to a lot of stuff being left out. But it is what is.

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last edited 260 weeks ago by preexischasling
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